26 April 2013

Fiat commercial, smoking hot Italian girl....

Never, never, never been in a dago mini cooper.......

hell she has not been in anything that small since her baby tram.....

+10 on the babe

car.... pandering to cheap dorks thinking they are on the new wave of cool........

as history will show..... dorks are always wrong on cool.

swamp people.... I guess it is a History show.... I do not think so. I is just jersey shore south....  this is just the degradation of white people. this show from what I could see from the commercial showed (Rednecks) ... I digress, why are we allowed to call white trash, "rednecks" and not allowed to call black trash "niggers". Double standards..... I guess they do not exist....... move along folks..... nothing going on here..... move along....
Apologies for the digression.
Well no.... I guess that is it.... ok to call white people (rednecks, white niggers")
Lets see if the standard is followed.

Running out of things to read....

Dos XX beer commercial..... Awesome.


I am the most recent person in this Hotel bed.

I may have to base these observations on channel and program being watched.
Navy, a global force for good.... unless you are on the receiving end of a GBU.

25 April 2013

I am going to comment on commercials, the TV is on while I am in the Hotel rooms. I am usually programming or doing reports.

Every once and awhile I look up and see a commercial, I have lived on the VCR and DVR for quite awhile, say 20 years....

I am going to comment on commercials...

16 February 2013

I may or may not be alive...