20 January 2014

drunk at the end of America....

Dutch Harbor.... or really Unalaska, AK.

the people here do not like outsiders.

I can not get a cheeseburger.

I can, however buy takeout beer.

Drink Beer, live life.

26 April 2013

Fiat commercial, smoking hot Italian girl....

Never, never, never been in a dago mini cooper.......

hell she has not been in anything that small since her baby tram.....

+10 on the babe

car.... pandering to cheap dorks thinking they are on the new wave of cool........

as history will show..... dorks are always wrong on cool.

swamp people.... I guess it is a History show.... I do not think so. I is just jersey shore south....  this is just the degradation of white people. this show from what I could see from the commercial showed (Rednecks) ... I digress, why are we allowed to call white trash, "rednecks" and not allowed to call black trash "niggers". Double standards..... I guess they do not exist....... move along folks..... nothing going on here..... move along....
Apologies for the digression.
Well no.... I guess that is it.... ok to call white people (rednecks, white niggers")
Lets see if the standard is followed.

Running out of things to read....

Dos XX beer commercial..... Awesome.


I am the most recent person in this Hotel bed.

I may have to base these observations on channel and program being watched.
Navy, a global force for good.... unless you are on the receiving end of a GBU.

25 April 2013

I am going to comment on commercials, the TV is on while I am in the Hotel rooms. I am usually programming or doing reports.

Every once and awhile I look up and see a commercial, I have lived on the VCR and DVR for quite awhile, say 20 years....

I am going to comment on commercials...

16 February 2013

I may or may not be alive...

01 September 2012

Alive or Not

I may or may not be alive...

19 January 2012


i have a new i pad and will try to have more entries.

Women - Ruining a good thing.

Woman ruins a mans weekend.... played out all over America.

The setup.

The man desperately wants to watch his favorite sporting event during an evening. Earlier in the day he really wanted to play golf but he went out 2 weekends ago and did something he did not want to do the last weekend that did not count because it was not a really together day.

He was on his best behavior Saturday and went shopping with the woman, all is good.

Sunday he does a few of the Honey-Do things so he feels he has the evening to enjoy himself.

He sits down with a brewski his wonderful lady on the couch reading a great work of literature "us, people, the sun, tmz...." whatever.

The American Anthem is over and he starts drinking the brew and munching on his chips.

Woman tsk...tsk...tsks ... something,

Mistake #1 : Man asks whats up, immediately tries to retract and go to the bathroom even though the kickoff is in the air. "he understands he has tripped whatever booby-trap he has walked into"

Woman makes statement about that bastard "we will just use jesse james for example" how could he fool around on poor Sandra with those slutty girls, you bite your tongue by not saying "the bitch got what she deserved, what was she thinking, he is a "bad boy" all tatted up and a wild man she wanted to taste the wild side, got what she wanted and then wanted people to feel sorry for her when it turned out YOU CAN NOT CHANGE A BAD MAN". but instead demurs, he must have been on drugs, who could cheat on poor cute sandra. (she is the girl next door, so she is not to interested in whether you would do her or not).

She has another bullet in the chamber just waiting for the trigger to be pulled.

The first quarter ends and man is quite pleased how things are going.

Mistake #2 - not knowing he is being set up because the few brews he has had cloud his judgement.

Woman makes statement about that bastard "we will just use Brad Pitt for example" how could he leave Jenn for Angelina, Jenn is so much prettier than the home wrecking slut Angelina.

She turns to her man who has now shrunk into the couch cushion and is trying to avoid the flying shrapnel that is heading his way.

What do you think, Is Angelina prettier than Jenn......

Mistake #3 : not being struck mute before sounds squeak out of his mouth.

Well, woman intones with a sugary sweet voice knowing the trap is sprung.

Mistake #4: agreeing with her, yea Brad really treated Jenn badly, she nods.

Man sighs thinking he dodged the bullet..... ha...ha....ha....ha.....

You didn't answer the question... she purrs.... claws extending....

He watches the game for a little while and drinks a few brews, just enjoying life... he is even thinking he may get a little later.

Ignoring the question he gets up to go to the bathroom and grab another cool one...... pleased with himself.

Sits back down the game is in it's second quarter 13-10 his favorite team leading but opponent has the ball.

Mistake #5 A contented smile and small sigh leave his mouth....

well.... a little louder, while looking over the offending rag.....

It's a commercial so he has no fall back, poor bastard..... now thinking "if i was going to have to deal with stuff, I should have got drunk and played golf anyway.

Mistake #6: not faking an intestinal parasite and shitting all over himself and couch, so he has an excuse to get a shower, clean himself up and head to the local tavern after sneaking out the bathroom window and leaving a stinking pile of dung on the couch. His day is totaled and he realizes it but just continues stumbling on into the bleak future. "how dare he want a quiet evening of football enjoyment".

Instead he says, "what", she repeats quietly do you think Angelina Jolie is prettier than Jennifer Aniston and would you leave cute, cute, little innocent Jenn for that slathering, slutty, brother kissing, limo sexing, blood wearing tattooed succubus...

Last chance to have just a bad evening and not a total night wrecking 3 weeks of presents to try to make up answer.

He stumbles a little and tells her that she is prettier than either one of them and wouldn't change a thing in his life.

A big cheer goes up on the screen - his team is down by 10 and it is the end of the first half, he missed the last 10 minutes of game play blathering about.

She says I know I am pretty but who do YOU think is prettier.

Mistake #7 : he gives an answer, Jenn is much cuter than Angelina and Brad should have stuck with her.

The half time is going on, he gets up, gets a brewdog and thinks things are fine.....

Third quarter kickoff, boom, great runback for his team, out to the opposing 45.

All right.. he thinks.... a few minutes go by and his team scores, down only 3... whoo hooo... this is getting good.

Things progress for a few minutes, then quietly woman asks "so Jenn is prettier, would you have left Jenn for Angelina, she is pretty sexy and would likely do whatever you would want."

Mistake #8: being distracted by the game he mumbles something not quite coherent, she asks "what did you say I couldn't hear that, do you thinks she is sexy" he says yea I guess so.....

Woman says "So you would leave me for Angelina"  he stutters and sputters but knows the game is over....

Mistake #9, not putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger.

Now I know how you really feel....... you bastard, all men are alike, some slutty bitch struts her stuff and all you can think of is how can I get some of that....

After that things do not get better...........

Later the police are called........

19 November 2010


Took a few months off and drank beer over the summer. I now have no money.

17 August 2010


With the new mosque going around the WTC site, my comment, let them build it. Watch who goes in, who goes out, track the finances, then all private American patriots should start killing them. They want to kill us, lets just kill them. If they want to come out in the open, lets just target them.


sitting in a hotel room at 1:25am watching dumb and dumber. My life is great.

14 August 2010

drunk for months

I have been drunk for months, will get back to you.

03 March 2009

been awhile

i am going to try to start blogging regularly.

18 October 2008

grade school continued

i will get back with 4th through 6th grade..... things start to get interesting.

my life

after montana, we moved to wake island.

dad worked for the gov't.

mom and dad met in the service. both navy, dad on the hospital ship recovering, mom his nurse.

memories of wake,

destroyed ankle during handlebar riding incident with older sister.
drunk guy (did not know he was a drunk at the time) barfing up franks and beans on the side of our road,
crush on babysitter, smoking ass hot as i remember.
washing tub.
wringer dryer.
walking out on the reef.
swimming in the lagoon.
fishing off dock.
walking to school.

moved to indianapolis.
no friends.
school, no longer an adventure. right across the street.
meeting mom for lunch, no socializing with the other students at lunch.
2nd grade, liked teacher mrs fisher learned to read by phonics.
3rd grade, split 3rd / 4th grade class, paid attention to 4th grade information.

always in the shadow of my "perfect older sister, 14 months older", every teacher your michelle's brother, it will be great to have you in my class. little did they know, i would not be "great to have you in my class"

when i went to 4th grade, basically spending my 3rd grade learning 4th grade as well. things were changing, in our area because of gov't regulations and other things section 8 apartments were erected and the fun started.

i am not exactly an impressive physical specimen while in 4th grade i was at least a foot shorter than any other student, and weighed maybe 45 lbs.

ivory dale, cassandra jefferson. two names.

my life

my early history.
born in montana, earliest memory, christmas when i was 3, i got a toy truck/car carrier. i tried for two days to open the "battery compartment" on the truck.

never asked for help, eventually figured it out. it was a "tool box" and the tab did not actually open.

stole m&m's out of bowl, told mom and dad, "not me", of course i had chocolate on my lips. they did not call me out on the blatant lie, at least not enough to keep me from repeating the behavior.

i had allergies at the time, i used to get severe hives and nosebleeds. i remember sitting out on the porch with cotton stuffed up my nose, eating a fudge pop to make me feel better, while said fudge pop caused the bleeding and suffering.

not too many memories for a little while.


i started my new job, tues-fri day, 60 hours. they slapped a spec manual and showed me a panel, this has to go out like yesterday, they said. this is great... i am having fun.... i hope i can deliver


after 16 years with maybe 3 years total out of that 16 on afternoon shift, i have taken a new job on day shift. bitching about old job to come later.

13 October 2008


after 16 years, i took a new job. i am entering the land of the light people. dayshift, god what a bummer.

01 October 2008


i am pissed with America. anyone who buys a japanese branded car is a traitor. remember when "made in japan" meant the cheap little crap was just that cheap little crap. it still is. we have spent billions bailing out, rebuilding, propping up, and otherwise cutting our own throat with the yellow little devils.

America rebuilt their country after they cowardly attacked us. we kicked their ass. history lesson anyone?? who provided the japanese with the first dies and plans for motor cycles??? harley davidson,that is who, how did that work out. a sneaky little bastard is always going to be a sneaky little bastard. the orientals are sneaky little bastards.

look around, have you ever noticed that you can NEVER see a jap, driving an American car, never.

i "worked" at an American car company for 16 years, i just got a new job so that is coming to an end.... i used never to the japs driving American cars. i stand corrected, out of 20 orientals or so that WERE GIVEN THEIR MONEY FROM AN AMERICAN COMPANY AND A DISCOUNT ON THE VEHICLES THEY MADE..... 2 drove cars that they helped manufacture. the rest bought jap cars.... i am pissed.

every time i walked through our parking lot and saw a jap car, i asked myself, you are being paid by and American car company and you turn around and buy a flipping jap car........i am pissed.

of the white people %99 bought our products. blacks %80 the rest usually mercedes or jags or other european cars(which is technically ok since they trade fair), but orientals FUCK THEM.

i love seeing an old man of wwII age with a purple heart plate, driving a fucking mitsubishi,,,,, hey ass wipe, they made the zero's.

i will pontificate on this further...... just remember orientals are sneaky bastards, always were, always will be.

23 September 2008

chris berman sucks

the title says it all. i have a nickname .... chris beermantakesitintheassssss. i will come up with better but that came to mind as soon as i heard his grating.... luckily i be dvr'n fasted through as quick as i could.... cowboys gb... romo for real??? they looked good.

upcoming posts

my method of suicide.
my terminal killers club.

things and other things

i will start to fill in my history and back story on why i am like i am. i think you will like it. teasers, started drugs 5th grade, left home to dart in map. years of drunken debauchery in europe (early '80s. school, marriage to call girl, baby and step daughter raising, more drunkeness, killing a motorcyclist, party years, insanity and many other delights. then things get interesting.... i would like to start telling my stories, some of them may even be true.

watching sports on tv

i watched the entirety of the ryder cup. many, many hours friday, saturday, and sunday. i dvr'd the football games, and despite myself the nascar race (i run three dvr's) the ryder cup on all three days was some of the best sports drama in the last few years. it was great, kept me on the edge of my seat for 3 days...... go America.
Sunday night i watched the early cbs game, bengals vs. giants, a great ot game. giants should have lost it.
i then watched the colts game. (back story) my buddy, his wife and I had season tickets from '94 to about 2001. during this time we were harassed by the dome security, ushers and cops almost every game. (more on that later. why did dungy elect to throw on the last series when a couple of runs would have left no time on the clock. up until that point GREAT clock management. those two throws to stop the clock when you had one time out and over a minute,well, bad. they deserved to lose the game anyway.

so to recap even with dvr, ryder cup 5 hours of actual watching on sunday. 3 hours taking care of LB (little bastard)my grandson, walked him and let him run around the park and football field for several hours. two complete football games about 4 1/2 hours. 12+ hours of sports viewing pleasure. during this time since i am not at work and required to be sober, somewhere around 18 beers (becks.

i watched the bucs / bears game. very entertaining. two great qb's from the same team (bears). the bucs beat the bears, who beat the colts, does this mean griese is better than peyton?

a ~billion dollar taxpayer monolith, colts stadium, no wins, bring back the hoosier dome. reggie miller and peyton manning should reimburse the taxpayers of indiana the cost of the fieldhouse and the new stadium, without them they would not have been built,...... just kidding. i like the new facilities. i would rather my stolen tax money to infrastructure than, to lazy fuckers and twelve baby welfare bitches.

18 September 2008

sports crawl

i hate the crawl, this is the information age. if i wish to know something, i will go online or find the information. i work the afternoon shift, i have for 15 years (another post) worked the afternoon shift. some reasons for afternoon shift.

1. i like to stay up drinking all night.
2. i like to play golf in the morning, when the real golfers play.
3. less management = less morons.
4. i get more done.
5. i can make decisions quickly, helping our company without idiot approval.
6. 100% less "meetings", when, has anything been accomplished with a "meeting"?

back to the hatred of the crawl.
i am a sports nut, i try to watch almost everything relevant at the highest levels of sports, meaning no women (except some womens tennis, only the hot babe matches and just to see if the high beams are on) sports or x-game type putridity. baseball, hockey, football, golf, motorsports, and no, soccer is not a sport. i follow most of the other sports and know what is going on, generally just to make snide comments.

since i work the off shift, i record everything. because of this i can watch 9 to 10 hours of sports in 5 hours or so.

i watch very little of espn-2 they always have the crawl.
espn is right behind.
abc/espn is starting to intrude.
fox is fairly decent on everyday but sunday.
nbc, do they broadcast sports.
wgn does great, only scores for baseball during cub games and not that often.

i have quit watching sports center, berhman was bad enough, now it is bitches crapping up the airwaves.

i do not know about you but, crap, women sports desk wenches just plain suck, they read the info, like barak but have no stinking idea or real enthusiasm for what they are doing.

to watch the nfl on sunday i apply the following, (i only get 4 games) since i can not get the nfl package on my cable system. directtv is the only system that offers the package.

everywhere else in the world anyone can get the sunday ticket. the u.s. the biggest nfl market directtv has a monopoly, (just wait until nfl network has pay per view games)oh yea i do not get nfl network either.

on to how to watch multiple games.

1. dvr all games. if only one early game, obviously watch that first. otherwise,
2. cbs has their crawl on the bottom of the screen. i have a block for the bottom of the screen. start with this game. when "in game" reports start / have last channel programmed to non sports channel and be quick about it.
3. at half of first recorded game start watching the first half of the recorded fox game, (this way you generally get to enjoy at least half of each game) their crawl is in the corner, you can usually just ignore it but you can not block it.
4. switch back to cbs, watch that game until completion. if "bonus" coverage starts, go back to fox game.
5. finish watching fox game. then go back to "bonus" games on cbs.
6. watch late game, if the late game is double header follow the above after watching early game.
7. watch late game on nbc, fat madden is just plain stupid.
8. if you are a race fan, (i have 2 dvr's running on my main tv). usually f1 runs early since it is usually in europe. watch f1 before football. then watch irl after football, since football generally does not update irl.
9. do not watch or support japcar.

watch monday night football.

USE and I mean USE intimidating tactics to insure co-workers do not give scores away, i mean flipping intimidate them. do not be a puss, bad things will follow anyone who gives information on games of any sort........ any information on any game or sport. my co-workers do not even acknowledge that a game or sport is taking place...... this is imperative..... unless i broach the game or subject and acknowledge it is ok.

i have refused to acknowledge the existence of persons who have violated the no score rule. for lengthy, lengthy amounts of time. it really pisses me off.

upcoming whining, bitching and complaining.

1. I hate the score crawl, I just plain fucking hate it.
2. Women sportscasters, sideline reporters, and anchors.
3. bad drivers.
4. entertainment idiots/hypocrites.
5. sports observations.
6. reasons for working off shift.