18 October 2008

grade school continued

i will get back with 4th through 6th grade..... things start to get interesting.

my life

after montana, we moved to wake island.

dad worked for the gov't.

mom and dad met in the service. both navy, dad on the hospital ship recovering, mom his nurse.

memories of wake,

destroyed ankle during handlebar riding incident with older sister.
drunk guy (did not know he was a drunk at the time) barfing up franks and beans on the side of our road,
crush on babysitter, smoking ass hot as i remember.
washing tub.
wringer dryer.
walking out on the reef.
swimming in the lagoon.
fishing off dock.
walking to school.

moved to indianapolis.
no friends.
school, no longer an adventure. right across the street.
meeting mom for lunch, no socializing with the other students at lunch.
2nd grade, liked teacher mrs fisher learned to read by phonics.
3rd grade, split 3rd / 4th grade class, paid attention to 4th grade information.

always in the shadow of my "perfect older sister, 14 months older", every teacher your michelle's brother, it will be great to have you in my class. little did they know, i would not be "great to have you in my class"

when i went to 4th grade, basically spending my 3rd grade learning 4th grade as well. things were changing, in our area because of gov't regulations and other things section 8 apartments were erected and the fun started.

i am not exactly an impressive physical specimen while in 4th grade i was at least a foot shorter than any other student, and weighed maybe 45 lbs.

ivory dale, cassandra jefferson. two names.

my life

my early history.
born in montana, earliest memory, christmas when i was 3, i got a toy truck/car carrier. i tried for two days to open the "battery compartment" on the truck.

never asked for help, eventually figured it out. it was a "tool box" and the tab did not actually open.

stole m&m's out of bowl, told mom and dad, "not me", of course i had chocolate on my lips. they did not call me out on the blatant lie, at least not enough to keep me from repeating the behavior.

i had allergies at the time, i used to get severe hives and nosebleeds. i remember sitting out on the porch with cotton stuffed up my nose, eating a fudge pop to make me feel better, while said fudge pop caused the bleeding and suffering.

not too many memories for a little while.


i started my new job, tues-fri day, 60 hours. they slapped a spec manual and showed me a panel, this has to go out like yesterday, they said. this is great... i am having fun.... i hope i can deliver


after 16 years with maybe 3 years total out of that 16 on afternoon shift, i have taken a new job on day shift. bitching about old job to come later.

13 October 2008


after 16 years, i took a new job. i am entering the land of the light people. dayshift, god what a bummer.

01 October 2008


i am pissed with America. anyone who buys a japanese branded car is a traitor. remember when "made in japan" meant the cheap little crap was just that cheap little crap. it still is. we have spent billions bailing out, rebuilding, propping up, and otherwise cutting our own throat with the yellow little devils.

America rebuilt their country after they cowardly attacked us. we kicked their ass. history lesson anyone?? who provided the japanese with the first dies and plans for motor cycles??? harley davidson,that is who, how did that work out. a sneaky little bastard is always going to be a sneaky little bastard. the orientals are sneaky little bastards.

look around, have you ever noticed that you can NEVER see a jap, driving an American car, never.

i "worked" at an American car company for 16 years, i just got a new job so that is coming to an end.... i used never to the japs driving American cars. i stand corrected, out of 20 orientals or so that WERE GIVEN THEIR MONEY FROM AN AMERICAN COMPANY AND A DISCOUNT ON THE VEHICLES THEY MADE..... 2 drove cars that they helped manufacture. the rest bought jap cars.... i am pissed.

every time i walked through our parking lot and saw a jap car, i asked myself, you are being paid by and American car company and you turn around and buy a flipping jap car........i am pissed.

of the white people %99 bought our products. blacks %80 the rest usually mercedes or jags or other european cars(which is technically ok since they trade fair), but orientals FUCK THEM.

i love seeing an old man of wwII age with a purple heart plate, driving a fucking mitsubishi,,,,, hey ass wipe, they made the zero's.

i will pontificate on this further...... just remember orientals are sneaky bastards, always were, always will be.